Saturday, March 12, 2011

And into March...

Be sure to read the February post first!

Here's March in a nutshell (or so far)!

Shamrock shakes are back.  I love them.

SBG already takes after her mama.  Here's approximately 1/16th of the laundry I did for her.  And yes, I only washed the stuff that was up to 3 months in size.

My mom came for the girls state basketball game, AHS, my alma mater, made it to the finals and won!  Go Knights!  We also went to dinner with her, Mary and Jeff for Danny's birthday.  Sorry there's no pictures for this update but there is fabulous news.  Remember how I said I broke my camera?  As a joint gift for Danny's, mine, and SBG's birthday (all which will take place within a 5 week period) my parents bought us a super nice DSLR camera.  We are beyond lucky - and promise to take lots of pictures to share with you all!  Instead of pictures from this, how about one of the first pics with the new camera?

Titus James was baptized and Jon and Christina asked Danny and I to be Godparents.  Danny took his role as Godfather seriously by making sure the day was well documented.

And finally, on a SBG note, we have 19 days until our due date.  We're very excited, Danny calls almost everyday and asks if she's decided to come or not yet :)  I finally packed a hospital bag and we've installed the carseat bases in both of our cars.  Come as soon as you're ready Little One!  Mom and Dad can't wait to meet you (and to share your name with everyone)!

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