Tuesday, May 31, 2011

(3rd?) Cousins

We went to a party for my uncle and a wedding in Cedar Rapids last weekend and got to stay with Mike and Kirsten and their daughter Lila!  It was so much fun to watch Lila and imagine Audra being her age in two years and getting to spend so much time with them!  Thanks again Eddins family for letting us crash at your house!  Hope to see you again soon!

Two months old!

Dear Audra,
You are 2 months old (and 4 days) and I can't imagine my life without you.  At the doctor's last week you weighed 10 pounds, 4 ounces and were 22.5 inches long.  Your height has Mommy confused.  When you were born, they told me you were 21 and 3/4 inches long.  At 2 weeks you were 20 inches long and now you are 22 1/2.  I'm going to say you've gained 2 1/2 inches in the past 2 months because I can tell you're getting longer very quickly.  Your 0-3 month sleepers are getting tight in the feet but you're nowhere near filling them out.  The doctor's office said your height puts you in the 58 percentile for your age and weight is 38%.   Your head is 38 cm at 33 percentile which is silly because you can't wear any hats :)  They're all way too big.  I suggest your head grows soon because I bought you cute sun hats for the summer!  You're still nursing most of the time and at Mommy and Me last week they said you take 3 1/3 ounces in 40ish minutes.

Daddy puts you to bed most nights with a bottle of formula.  Lately, his favorite song to sing to you is "Hush Little Baby" and when you cry he just sings louder.  It makes Mommy's heart melt to see him rock you in your room.

This month we thought you might have reflux and tried to put you on meds for about 2 weeks.  Mommy decided they weren't really helping so we took you off of them and now you're just taking gas drops.  Most days we do really well until about 6 when your tummy starts to hurt and we need to work those bubbles out.

Right now you love to be snuggled (you're sleeping on my lap as I type this).  You also love to bounce when being held, the sound of water and the bathroom fan, watching your mobile in the crib.  You smile and talk more and more each day.  You've giggled a few times in your sleep and I can't wait to hear you do it again.

Mommy starts her new job one month from tomorrow so I'm trying to savor this last month with you.  I've loved being home with you each day and will miss you enormously when I have to leave.  I love you my sweet baby girl.

Love always,

Love her

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Katie thinks she looks like me!

Finally someone does!  Although, maybe this is why...

Love her (Audra and Kage).

It's been awhile...

Checking out the crib

Baby burrito

First week home

First doctor's visit

Minnie makes sure that we're good parents

First bath

Hold me 

Meeting Titus

Napping with Dad

Give me another bath and I will fight you

Our week at Grandma and Grandpa's - borrowing a swing

Whoosh, Dad is back from his business trip.  Let's nap.

One month!  With Sammy

One month with Katie's afghan

Disregard the terrible face, I love my gym and my chucks.  Also, my aunties are awesome.

After the March for Dimes


Getting so big

Hanging out in my crib, watching the circles

Saw Moose (Molly) run at the state track meet.  Now, I'm exhausted.

Mom needs to take more pictures...

Audra's two months tomorrow!  She smiles, coos, and accidentally rolls from front to back.  We'll be back tomorrow with an official 2 month post.  Promise.  Now, we need to get ready for her two month doctor appointment...